
Are Homemade Cleaners Effective?

The aftermath of the pandemic in 2020 has given us an opportunity to reconsider our cleaning habits and their effect on managing our health. With this newfound awareness, curated recipes for cleaners have been a go-to, affordable way to clean nooks and crannies of the home. Driven by the anxiety for off-the-shelf products and their potential harmful chemicals that may cause danger more than peace of mind for some, the rise of awareness for cleanliness is also coupled with the realization of the importance of sustainable products and finally, the advent of D.I.Y. cleaning solutions.

The allure of sustainable products that can be concocted with kitchen ingredients and packed in curated spray bottles has made cleaning an affordable and accessible chore that is less utilitarian and more enjoyable.

Disinfecting however is more than just chemical manipulation, especially with what we’ve learned from the pandemic. The household cleaning products market is at an estimated 341.6 Billion USD by 2030, which is a fast-growing market according to research conducted for consumer goods by Precedence Research. With this comes as well, the review of over 2,000 household cleaning agents by the nonprofit organization, Environmental Working Group mentions that more than half contained ingredients that can cause irritation to the lungs.

Cleaning materials must not only be economical, but also effective and compatible when applied to specific surfaces to avoid damage.

The question lies in the effectiveness therefore of using home brews for cleaning the dirtiest scum out of any space as a healthy option to clean. Cleaning products that have been tested by scientists are harmful when not stored properly at home. They are proven to be reasonably safe when used as directed and the level of their toxicity is measured in compliance with standards. D.IY. recipes, on the other hand, as a sustainable alternative for these cleaning products may not have as much effect in disinfecting your home, for now. The hope for safer products to get the job done and make sure that a D,I.Y. disinfectant can serve as a non-toxic, cheap choice can be rather difficult.

In actuality, the cleaning agent that has proven its effectiveness is still the store-bought bottle of cleaning solution. Homemade cleaners such as the popular vinegar and lemon is still questionable in its essence of it being an effective disinfectant. The merits however do not equal the disinfecting power of chemical cleaners, but using them does not harm your home either. It must be noted however that these D.I.Y. cleaning recipes can handle ordinary household grease and dirt. Opt for a cleaning product, and make sure to follow directions for safety. Above all, being smart in choosing your cleaning products and keeping a clean hygiene is most important.

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