
How to Keep Your House Clean When You Have Pets

According to the National Pet Owners Survey, about 70% of households own a pet in the United States. Of this statistics, there is an estimated one pet owned in every three houses in New York City.

Despite being devoted owners, many New Yorkers are undeniable of the fact that they are allergic to their pets, as they choose to tolerate the allergies that they experience. By trying to learn to compromise to be able to live comfortably with their furry friends, many suffer from allergens that cause chronic sniffling, itching, and sinus congestion.

However, contrary to what many assume, fur isn’t the single source of allergies. According to a study, a protein that is found on animal skin is the prime suspect for these pet allergies. It is also found out that dust mites, mold, and pollen that get stuck in the fur, hair and feathers of animals are what cause allergies — the most common cause of allergies which 20 million Americans suffer from.

So how do we deal living with our pets?

Reduce allergens with the following tips:

  1. Understand your allergies and what you are allergic of. Getting an allergy test to help determine the cause of your discomfort will narrow down the source and help you pinpoint a solution.

  2. Create an allergy-free zone in your home. Reserve a space in your house where your pets are not allowed to enter. Sure, we love our pets but to be able to take care of them well, we must be able to care of ourselves too.

  3. Clean the air by using a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air filter) air cleaner. Dust mites, molds, and other allergens travel through fur that is dispersed. These get stuck to furniture, clothing, walls and areas that are not easily cleaned. HEPA filters do not 100% clean and filtrate the air but they help minimize and trap pet dander.

  4. Clear your home for fur magnets. If unavoidable, regularly clean and vacuum carpets, and upholstery. Use washable furniture cover and drapes to minimize direct transfer of dander.

  5. Make cleaning a routine. Hardwork pays off to help you lessen the sniffles. On days that you have no time to clean, hiring a professional housekeeping service to do a deep clean of your home.

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